Talking Horse Racing

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County Fair Racing

More January discussion to distract from the cold weather:

Watching the 3 yr old filly trotter, Leggy, make her first lifetime start last night. ย (BTW, congratulations to the owners for getting that 2nd place check.) ย ย 

Is TheStable missing an opportunity in not more fully participating at county fair racing, specifically in Ohio?

Potential Benefits

  • allow 2 & 3 year olds to compete where their abilities fit best. ย If a colt or filly isnโ€™t a sire stake or even Buckeye quality competitor, but otherwise is physically and mentally sound for competition, county fair racing is a viable opportunity to at least financially break even
  • the fair wins generally do not count against a horseโ€™s pari-mutual wins; hence, they remain eligible for those lower level maiden, NW of 2,3,4, etc. at the park-mutual tracks
  • an opportunity to develop the young employees by giving them more driving starts. ย A Tyler Angus, Lauren Harmon, others who might fit the bill but not currently on the employee roster can be assigned to those horses.
  • client engagement opportunities greatly increase, because everyone has access to the barn areas. ย The clients can get up close to the horses and witness the operations at a personal level.ย 

Logistical challenges

  • Track conditions. ย Some tracks are โ€œplow fieldsโ€, so you need to be aware. ย On the other hand several prominent trainers house their stable at fair venues, and those tracks are in good shape.
  • Timing. ย The early season fairs have too many entries, resulting in many divisions and lower purses. ย But as the summer moves to into late July and thru September, there are multiple fair jurisdictions racing simultaneously and spreading the entries out. ย $6,000 to $12,000 purses not uncommon during this phase, especially for the trotters. ย If you have a trotter that doesnโ€™t break Rule#1, then you have a good chance to make some money.
  • Dietary abuse. ย You have to limit your intake of deep fried Oreos and other alluring fair food.

Back to Leggy. ย She was a $14,000 yearling purchase, which realistically put her in the likely fair tier quality anyway. ย If you take into consideration the factors above and other items that you may identify, wouldnโ€™t it be a fun way to experience your involvement with an average level young horse?


factlaw, Lonnie and Purple Aura have reacted to this post.
factlawLonniePurple Aura

Very well written!ย  Good points all over the place.ย  I โค๏ธ Fair Racing.ย  Coming from afar to watch a horse race at Northfield, or wherever in Ohio, it's nice to combine the visit with a Fair visit or two.ย ย 

factlaw and Bgtolex25 have reacted to this post.

Excellent points which is why racing in Ohio is the best. Three levels of racing. OSS, Buckeye, and the fairs. Couple years ago it seems Anthony raced a lot more at the fairs. Maybe Ollie's little league baseball has changed that. Back when Purple Aura was two, she had quite a few starts at the fairs, won them all. It was like being paid for a training mile. Living in Michigan, I've been to my share of Ohio fairs. They are always fun!!! You can even wager on them. Granted the pools are very small so don't wager much are you end up betting against yourself. 90% of my ownership is Ohio horses, usually fillies. Okay, back outside to shovel some snow. Hope we have a drone video tomorrow. Good luck all.ย 

factlaw, Bgtolex25 and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Quote from Purple Aura on January 16, 2025, 3:53 PM

Okay, back outside to shovel some snow. Hope we have a drone video tomorrow. Good luck all.ย 

Tell me that you have a snowblower!

I know that this is asking much and testing the bounds of our friendship, but can you send any positive thoughts my way next Monday night?

No snow blower. Funny, after the last regular season game the last thing you wanted to talk about is college football. This match up does nothing for me. The two schools I despise most playing for the championship. Might as well be Catholics vs Convicts. I was on the Convicts side back then. Now? Pass, I'll be watching hockey. As far as our friendship goes, like I told you before 364 days a year we are good. You got lucky they expanded this year. Losing to MICHIGAN the last regular season game in the past meant you probably didn't qualify.ย 

Bgtolex25 and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Quote from Purple Aura on January 16, 2025, 10:17 PM

No snow blower. Funny, after the last regular season game the last thing you wanted to talk about is college football. This match up does nothing for me. The two schools I despise most playing for the championship.ย 

About what I expected. ย Would have been disappointed to hear different. ย 

Lonnie has reacted to this post.

So glad you weren't disappointed. Eye roll. Watch Rose Run Bobbies runout after the wire that was not disappointing. Jaw dropping, head turning. I sold a share of her at what I thought was a good price. Enough where the share I have now is free. In hindsight maybe I didn't get

factlaw and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Quote from Purple Aura on January 17, 2025, 11:05 AM

So glad you weren't disappointed. Eye roll. Watch Rose Run Bobbies runout after the wire that was not disappointing. Jaw dropping, head turning. I sold a share of her at what I thought was a good price. Enough where the share I have now is free. In hindsight maybe I didn't get

Rose Run Bobbie showed quite an exhilarating burst of speed at three points during the set. It was very eye-opening!

Quote from Purple Aura on January 17, 2025, 11:05 AM
Watch Rose Run Bobbies runout after the wire that was not disappointing. Jaw dropping, head turning.ย 

Noticed that Amy made her turn and go again as the others were leaving the track. ย I made a comment on the YouTube feed that a micโ€™d up Amy would be entertaining.

factlaw, Lonnie and Purple Aura have reacted to this post.
factlawLonniePurple Aura

I have nothing particularly to add here, just to note that I appreciate the many solid observations from all throughout this chain.

talkinghorse and Purple Aura have reacted to this post.
talkinghorsePurple Aura

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