Talking Horse Racing

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Dexter Dunn

On the lead...

Coming from the back...

Sitting in the pocket, and knowing precisely when to make his move (like he just did with Logan Park in the Dayton Derby)...

On the favorite...

On a longshot...

It just doesn't seem to matter.Β  This guy is the bomb!

Senator Blutarsky has reacted to this post.
Senator Blutarsky

I agree Lonnie, he's scary good, just turned 35 too.Β  He's had an amazing career.Β  He's been putting on a clinic lately.Β  I just read this story and it's aged very well, thought you'd really like it, you'll learn things about this dude that are absolutely wild.Β  Lastly, he owns 30% of Twin B Joe Fresh, so he's making the big bucks too!

Dexter Dunn – World Best


Lonnie has reacted to this post.
What have others said about Blutarsky... (("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) - (("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) - (("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) - (("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))

He's the new magic man (with all due respect to William O'Donnell).

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