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Dexter Dunn
#1 · September 28, 2024, 10:10 PM
Senator Blutarsky has reacted to this post.
Senator Blutarsky
#2 · September 29, 2024, 12:14 AM
Lonnie has reacted to this post.
What have others said about Blutarsky...
(("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) -
(("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) -
(("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) -
(("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))
#3 · November 2, 2024, 10:10 PM