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Memento Mori is in DA HOUSE!!

After making value purchases, we have gathered up all of our courage, and are going "all-in"!  Well, as far as 1% will get us.  This morning we just purchased one share of Memento Mori.  Mori is New York Sire Stakes eligible, so we will get to go to as many races here as possible and is dual eligible to the Kentucky Sire Stakes.

We are in the big leagues now!

factlaw has reacted to this post.

Good luck Lonnie et al.  I love Mori’s consistency.  Trying to read the tea leaves in AMac’s videos, he may be more inclined to put the diminutive Mori in NY instead of Kentucky to avoid many of the big hitters flocking to Kentucky.  I hope that is the case, so your gang can make several NY roadtrips next year.

factlaw has reacted to this post.

I think it was during Harrisburg, someone from Blue Chip farms was being interviewed by Jenna on the pregame show. He was stating the improvements to the NY program. I can't remember all the details, but I think an extra leg so perhaps 8, plus an additional $250,000 race thrown into the middle of the legs. 


Lonnie has reacted to this post.
Quote from Bgtolex25 on November 18, 2024, 2:22 PM

Good luck Lonnie et al.  I love Mori’s consistency.  Trying to read the tea leaves in AMac’s videos, he may be more inclined to put the diminutive Mori in NY instead of Kentucky to avoid many of the big hitters flocking to Kentucky.  I hope that is the case, so your gang can make several NY roadtrips next year.

Thank you Norm!  I hope we become Big Kahuna's!  LOL

Quote from MaywoodAl on November 18, 2024, 11:26 PM

I think it was during Harrisburg, someone from Blue Chip farms was being interviewed by Jenna on the pregame show. He was stating the improvements to the NY program. I can't remember all the details, but I think an extra leg so perhaps 8, plus an additional $250,000 race thrown into the middle of the legs. 


Let the big bucks roll (in)!

Quote from MaywoodAl on November 18, 2024, 11:26 PM

I think it was during Harrisburg, someone from Blue Chip farms was being interviewed by Jenna on the pregame show. He was stating the improvements to the NY program. I can't remember all the details, but I think an extra leg so perhaps 8, plus an additional $250,000 race thrown into the middle of the legs. 


Good point.  I think the increased incentives by Kentucky, Ohio, and some of the smaller jurisdictions are spurring NY and NJ to up their programs.  Would love to see some cooperation on scheduling and/or some multi-jurisdiction challenges, such as a PA vs. Ohio fair champions challenge series.  Any Canadian vs. US challenge would spur some excitement too.  

Lonnie and Purple Aura have reacted to this post.
LonniePurple Aura
Quote from Bgtolex25 on November 19, 2024, 10:16 AM
Quote from MaywoodAl on November 18, 2024, 11:26 PM

I think it was during Harrisburg, someone from Blue Chip farms was being interviewed by Jenna on the pregame show. He was stating the improvements to the NY program. I can't remember all the details, but I think an extra leg so perhaps 8, plus an additional $250,000 race thrown into the middle of the legs. 


Good point.  I think the increased incentives by Kentucky, Ohio, and some of the smaller jurisdictions are spurring NY and NJ to up their programs.  Would love to see some cooperation on scheduling and/or some multi-jurisdiction challenges, such as a PA vs. Ohio fair champions challenge series.  Any Canadian vs. US challenge would spur some excitement too.  

I love how you think!

It costs the same to train the top horses as it does the average ones.  Good move picking up Mori.

Bgtolex25 and Lonnie have reacted to this post.

I'm already circling dates on this calendar to see Memento Mori.

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