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Growing pains are the fun part.  Usually it just takes some money and the pains go away. 

I was an IT Project Manager for many years.  This forum has been fun and it will continue to be a fun safe-haven. 

Senator Blutarsky has reacted to this post.
Senator Blutarsky
Quote from Lonnie on August 27, 2024, 11:20 AM

Growing pains are the fun part.  Usually it just takes some money and the pains go away. 

I was an IT Project Manager for many years.  This forum has been fun and it will continue to be a fun safe-haven. 

We all just need to realize that people come with their passions and special interest in the sport from their personal history.  Mine is in the breeding and raising of the Standardbreds with a “minor” in the training and racing.  Gambling was never my thing, although I recognize its critical importance.  

As we make our posts, continue to be transparent and open minded.  Thank you for the forum.  And a big welcome to the recent influx of participants.

Senator Blutarsky and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Senator BlutarskyLonnie
Quote from Bgtolex25 on August 27, 2024, 11:58 AM


We all just need to realize that people come with their passions and special interest in the sport from their personal history.  Mine is in the breeding and raising of the Standardbreds with a “minor” in the training and racing.  Gambling was never my thing, although I recognize its critical importance.  

As we make our posts, continue to be transparent and open minded.  Thank you for the forum.  And a big welcome to the recent influx of participants.

I'm still baffled, here so please elaborate if you can.

You upvoted the Moderator's terms and conditions 3 days ago and wrote this above.

Then you went on to including and not limited to spend the next 2 days saying to me that any reasonable person would find objectionable and insulting - toward me, ultimately seeking advisement from everyone that I do not belong here, basically a lynching you were seeking.

Since I registered, I've been proactive and positive, cordial and honest with everyone.

Let's set that what has been aforementioned aside for a minute and straighten 2 things out.

All aspects of racing are NOT "Critically Important" (as you say) without Gambling, they are the only importance and it's not debatable.  Horse, harness racing and all aspects connected including what you've taken part in would be DEAD without parimutuel and or casinos.  Wouldn't even be on ESPN 99.  All the uneducated, which makes up a tremendous amount of this industry would be qualified to do little to nothing outside a farm - and I'm not sure they would have jobs there as they are typically outsourced for dimes on the dollar these days.  Does that make sense to you?

How can someone in cold a such calculated manner do what you did to me over 2 days, (it wasn't me attacking you or anyone), so what is so wrong / what is going on with you personally? to say and do that, hurt this forum too by behaving to contrary immediately after what you said here?  Are you trying for this place to be a tamer and similar version of horseplop?

That's why your apology was rejected, so you can come to grips.  Please advise.



What have others said about Blutarsky... (("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) - (("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) - (("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) - (("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))

Dear @senator-blutarsky  and @bgtolex25

Kindly refrain from personal attacks.  Feel free to express your opinions and feelings.  Let's respect one another. Regardless someone's opinion, it's not right. It's not wrong.  It just is that.  An opinion. 

This form has gotten off to such a great start, let's not let it go off the rails. 

Please, and thank you. 

factlaw, Bgtolex25 and Purple Aura have reacted to this post.
factlawBgtolex25Purple Aura
Talk to the hoof!
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