Talking Horse Racing

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Congratulations @drmarciah13 for your 1st win (?) as part of the Timeisonmyside group.  Looking forward to rooting for this guy (and you) as he tackles that tough 4 year old and aged divisions in 2025.

Congratulations Doc!

Thank you!  Yes, it's my first win with "the perfect horse."  I knew as soon as Anthony pulled three wide, that he was getting his picture taken. 

I'm just thrilled to be part of the ownership group.  It costs the same to train the good ones as the average ones!




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Quote from drmarciah13 on December 30, 2024, 7:59 PM

Thank you!  Yes, it's my first win with "the perfect horse."  I knew as soon as Anthony pulled three wide, that he was getting his picture taken. 

I'm just thrilled to be part of the ownership group.  It costs the same to train the good ones as the average ones!




I hope it's the first of many!

Yes, congrats to Dr. M! It is Time!

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