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Welcome to New Members

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@Jsherman77 ain't no pup, this New Member is a Wolf, and gets a proper song - Welcome to our Hood!



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What have others said about Blutarsky... (("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) - (("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) - (("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) - (("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))

Hellllllooooo @MurphyBlind, and... 

Lonnie and Senator Blutarsky have reacted to this post.
LonnieSenator Blutarsky
Talk to the hoof!
Quote from talkinghorse on September 24, 2024, 2:24 AM

Hellllllooooo @MurphyBlind, and... 

<img src="data:;base64," alt="" data-opt-src="" />

and @JSD I couldn't have said ↑ it ↑ better myself, and have fun too!

What have others said about Blutarsky... (("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) - (("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) - (("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) - (("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))

Hello @JSD,

How did you find out about us?

Lonnie and Senator Blutarsky have reacted to this post.
LonnieSenator Blutarsky
Talk to the hoof!

Good morning!

Let's give a warm and hardy welcome to our newest member, @FirstUp!

Talk to the hoof!

@FirstUp Welcome to THR! That's a great screen name, why did I not think of it?!  At best if I was to have another shot, I could be SecondUp, and it just doesn't have the same flare! 🙂

There is a contest here that is in the second leg, however, if you handicap races and want to enter, ya never know, the right pick, and anyone can shoot to the lead.  Today's entry deadline is 4pm.  Good Luck!

Lonnie has reacted to this post.
What have others said about Blutarsky... (("Get away from me, and stay away from me!!" - Ex Girlfriend)) - (("Creeeeeepy" - Neighbor)) - (("Ughhhh...Jerk off, retard, loser." - Mother)) - (("Cheater, clown, a brown stain on this High School!" - Former Teacher)) - (("There are worst consequences to sex than STDs, abortion > BLUTO!"- Dad)) - (("He liked us probing him way too much, therefore we will not be abducting, he's all yours." - An Extraterrestrial))
Quote from Senator Blutarsky on October 1, 2024, 12:05 PM

@FirstUp Welcome to THR! That's a great screen name, why did I not think of it?!  At best if I was to have another shot, I could be SecondUp, and it just doesn't have the same flare! 🙂

There is a contest here that is in the second leg, however, if you handicap races and want to enter, ya never know, the right pick, and anyone can shoot to the lead.  Today's entry deadline is 4pm.  Good Luck!

You should have been "Second Over" 🙂

Senator Blutarsky has reacted to this post.
Senator Blutarsky

Let's give a warm welcome to our newest member @cool!

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Talk to the hoof!

Welcome @at-the-helm!

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Talk to the hoof!

Welcome @JimT!  We are glad to have you here.

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Talk to the hoof!
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