Talking Horse Racing

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Let's give a warm forum welcome to @aunt-lilly!

factlaw and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Talk to the hoof!

Hello my Stable "rival".  We're all friends here.  On the track?  That's another story 😉

factlaw and Lonnie have reacted to this post.

Welcome to the group.  I root for them all, so I will always be on the fan bandwagon.

talkinghorse and Lonnie have reacted to this post.

I feel like all The Stable's horses are mine, even if I technically have shares in only six of them.  When I'm watching the races live at any track, and any of our horses wins, I'm there in the picture.  It's always a thrill, because I like so far away from any tracks, and it's a big deal for me to attend the races.

talkinghorse and Lonnie have reacted to this post.

Hi @JakeFromOhio!  It was nice to meet you at the Holiday Dinner!

Bgtolex25 and Lonnie have reacted to this post.
Talk to the hoof!
Quote from talkinghorse on February 3, 2025, 11:37 PM

Hi @JakeFromOhio!  It was nice to meet you at the Holiday Dinner!

<img src="data:;base64," alt="" data-opt-src="" />

Hi Jake!

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